Adelaide Football Club: the start
The Adelaide Football Club was founded in October 1990, established by the South Australian National Football League to enter a composite team in the Australian Football League competition for the 1991 season.
Origin of the Club
After a winter of turmoil in South Australian football, the State’s first AFL club emerged.late in 1990
The Interim Board
Time was short to build a new Club but the Interim Board made many momentous decisions
Jumper debate hits mark
Choosing a jumper, colours and logo for the new Club was one of the early tasks for the Interim Board
Recruiting first Crows
Securing players to build a competitive squad took a summer of sweat before the final 52 was named
First AFL game a winner
Five months after the start of the Adelaide Football Club, the Crows won their first game
1991 season wrap
Adelaide’s first season was a mix of highs and lows but the Crows made an impact in many ways.